SEMCON Milestone 1/3

With Semantic Containers, the 7-member project team has set itself the goal of developing a prototype for the simple trading of data. Using a few use cases the “proof of concept” will be demonstrated. Three colleagues from the Own Your Data association and four contributors from the Vienna University of Technology team have come together to achieve this goal.

In the ambitious time frame of a total of 9 months project duration (bmvit / FFG call ICT of the Future: Exloring the data market 2018), already at the end of the first third we are happy to announce first successes:

  • Since two months the project website is online (German / English), which summarizes the most important information about the Semantic Containers at a glance.
  • Also online and linked to the website is our Semantic Containers White Paper, which presents the concept in more detail and offers a broader overview.
  • A first version of our design document is being finalized and will be online in the next few days.

In the past 3 months we have already been diligent. Amongst others, we presented the Semantic Containers at two major events, the Data Market Ignite Night on October 2nd at the Tribe Space and the ICT 2018: Imagine Digital – Connect Europe at the Austria Center on December 5th. Of course, we have seen each other much more often. So often that we alone and up to this point had 22 internal project meetings!

We are confident that it will continue similarly fast with the next two-thirds. The coming third (until March 2019) is dedicated to the programming work, so that we can fully dedicate our time to use cases in the last three months (until June 2019) as planned. Again, there is a happy message: Even the data selection has already taken place, so we could not only reach all our interim goals, but are our own schedule already one step ahead.

In this sense, we will enjoy the upcoming holiday season and wish our readers a peaceful Christmas! See you here again in the New Year when we have new Semantic Container updates available for all data-loving people.